Natural Gas is a reliable form of energy to power the appliances in your home, providing instant and continuous heat on demand. And it's distinct odour makes it easy to detect if there's ever a leak, giving you great peace of mind. If you do smell gas, you can report a gas leak here.
Find out more about how Natural Gas appliances can transform your home or renovation.
You and your family can rest assured with Natural Gas
To ensure safety, it always pays to keep maintenance up to date on each of your Natural Gas appliances. It is recommended that you get your appliances serviced by a licensed plumber or specialist gas fitter. You can find a local Gas Specialist here.
Only ever use licensed plumbers and gas fitters to carry out work on your gas pipes and appliances - never undertake such work yourself. When complete, always ask your Natural Gas Specialist for a Gas Certificate of Compliance for the relevant gas work or appliance installation.
Investing in our energy future
In NSW, we are working with industry peers and government agencies, investing millions of dollars in renewable gas research and development projects. We are striving towards modifying our network to transport zero carbon renewable gas in the near future. Taking this approach will save customers in the long-term by avoiding billions of dollars in new infrastructure investment and not putting increased pressure on electricity networks at peak times. It will also mean customers can continue to choose Natural & Renewable Gas energy solutions to power their homes well into the future.
Fact: Jemena also invests heavily in other renewable energy projects. Read about them here.
Choosing energy efficient appliances
When you’re looking for new or replacement appliances, it’s important to make sure you select the most energy efficient options. Energy rating labels make it easy for you to compare similar appliance models. The greater the number of stars means the more efficient the appliance. Always look out for 5-star and 6-star rated Natural Gas appliances, or speak to your local Gas Specialist for advice.